With the population of our world aging, elder care has become a pressing issue for society.
Keeping our elderly population healthy, safe and engaged is essential to not only their quality of life but to the well-being of families, communities and nations.
Elder care can look different depending on the needs of the individual. Some elderly people may require a living situation in which they receive more physical help and assistance while others may need more mental and social stimulation. Knowing the different types of elder care can help families make decisions on what is right for their situation and create a plan that best suits their loved ones.
In-Home Care: In-home care includes services that come to the home of the elderly person, such as help with daily tasks, grocery shopping, housekeeping, transportation and medical assistance. This type of care gives elderly individuals the ability to stay in their own home where they are surrounded by familiar objects and people.
Assisted Living: Assisted living is a residential alternative to skilled nursing care. In this living situation, elderly individuals receive help with activities of daily living such as dressing, taking medications, bathing, toileting and grooming. They also receive help with recreational activities, meals and transportation.
Nursing Home: Nursing homes offer 24-hour medical care and supervision. The most common services provided in this type of facility are nursing care, physical therapy, and social services. Nursing homes also provide meals and a variety of activities designed to stimulate the mind and body.
These are just some of the many forms of elder care available in today’s society. Understanding your options can help ensure that your loved ones have the best quality of life necessary for successful aging and a life of independence. It is important to understand the needs of an elderly individual and make sure they receive the right type of care that works best for them.
Do you need someone to walk you through the options and resources in your area?
At any point along your journey, please contact Advisors in Placement and we’ll help you navigate care and assisted living options with a straightforward, heart-centered approach.